ChargingCase Compact

With both PrepBox and ChargingPlate integrated, and enough space for up to 8 QuikSpots, 8 Barndoors and 8 Rotational Elliptical Filters plus extra room for cables and clamps, the ChargingCase is the ultimate solution for the event workflows.

Can hold:

8 x QuikSpot (AST-QUKSP)

Not Included

1 x ChargingPlate for 8 x QuikSpot (AST-QUKSP-CHRPLT)

Not Included

1 x PrepBox (AST-PRPBX)

Not Included

8 x Barndoor for QuikSpot (AST-QUKSP-BD)

Not Included

8 x Rotatable Wallwash filter for AX5 (AX5-ROTAD)

Not Included

8 x TrackPin Compact (AST-TPC)

Not Included

8 x PowerCON TRUE1 Cable (AX5-CHR)

Not Included

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